Friday, February 08, 2008


I've written and rewritten this, trying to figure out how to share such personal information in such a public space. Part of me wants to protect you--those especially who have extra tender hearts, or tend to worry, or may weep when they hear. But I've been told that I need to stop trying to protect people from the truth. My mom and siblings know, as of today, that the cancer is back. More than likely it has always been there, just too negligible to show up on any tests. The bad news is that there's a spot on my liver. The good news is, that there's a spot on my liver and not multiple spots all over! This is another challenge, and we all know that life is full of them. I will do the best I can and though I wish this were all behind me, it will be soon. Some days will be better than others I'm sure. In the meantime, I've been promised great blessings and I fully expect the Lord to keep His word. I'll need your hopes, your faith and prayers and your positive energy. I will let you know more after I see the oncologist next week.

1 comment:

Jules said...

My dear, sweet, faithful Em. I can hear your voice, envision those deep, moist eyes, your tender, anxious heart not wanting to 'bother' anyone, yet not wanting to offend by having any feel excluded. Bless your weirdness, girl!

My thought, prayers & every ounce of positive strength are streaming across the skies to you every moment of every day. When the sun peaks out from behind a tiny new leaf, its my love coming your way. When a crisp breeze flashes from nowhere, I'm whispering, "All is well, all is well."

Finally, don't forgot the goodness and comfort of a fine batch of brownies!

Love you, girl!