Friday, February 29, 2008

Chemo: Match 2 Round 1

And in the blue corner wearing a Citiknits black and coral three-piece ensemble and a very chic do, we have defending champion Maaaaartha, the Maaagnificent! ding ding ding ding!

So, any ideas how my first chemo here went?? It was GREAT! I felt anxious the past few days but the closer today came, the more peace I felt. No tears this time at all, no feelings of fear or 'I don't want to be here' or out right, 'get me out of here!' Nothing like that. I was actually anticipating this with a fair amount of optimism and a whole lot of gratitude for being in this area with my Tel and getting to see Dr. K.

I saw Dr. K's P.A. today before treatment. I like him very much. Straight forward, compassionate, obvious that he knew my history, even that I'd moved out here recently. Later, Dr. K made it a point to come out to the infusion center and talk with me and Telly for awhile. I was so impressed (again!!) Remember, this is the same man who came to see me in the hospital on his day off...

I figured out why this infusion center feels so different from the one at Kaiser: Not only does it feel more cozy (it's smaller and the people overall are very warm and friendly) the room is more spaciously arranged, the chairs are a prettier color (although they recline and function the same way) and one entire wall is windows! I love that! I love light! I really enjoyed seeing the sky through the tall trees here which are just beginning to bud! So pretty! And we had an early appointment so there weren't very many people in the room. My nurse is great. She explained a whole lot and checked on me often. And unlike Kaiser who gives you whoever the computer will bring up, this place will do its best to give me the same nurse every time. I think that's important both for rapport and because some nurses are way better at putting in IV's. I like knowing what to expect

My new medication is the color of strawberry jello. Just as red as it can be. Some people have side effects, especially the first time they get it, but I didn't. Chantel and I visited for awhile and then I fell asleep from the Benadryl. When I woke up, she had already made my next appointments and had a packet of information for me. The entire visit was just over three hours. The nurse said next time it will be shorter since I tolerated the Doxil, they will give it to me faster next time. Round two in 28 days.

Oh, my gosh! I forgot to tell you something important! I had a good amount of energy today (we went to Costco this afternoon) and I realized that it's because I had my lung drained! Yes! Earlier this week Dr. K arranged for me to see another awesome guy (not too warm and fuzzy but brilliant with his work) and he drained my lung on Wednesday afternoon. I was extremely anxious (translated, in tears) about the visit because of the experience I had in emergency last month, but Dr. Morton was technically incredible. On a scale of one to ten, the discomfort level was a one, and I can breathe again! Yay! I should have gone in sooner. Chantel, I love you so much, and I'm sorry I caused you anxiety and a nightmare by putting off the procedure. I won't do that again!

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