Friday, February 22, 2008

Grad School

is a challenge. My writing instructor is an accomplished person. She's one of those who's been writing since she was ten and she's won all kinds of awards etc. I don't think I really even started writing until I was at least 42. It's difficult not to compare myself to others, although as far as the students go, we're a pretty good group. No one person stands out as being really fabulous or really bad, but that might change...Last week I misunderstood the assignment and I turned in what amounts to a child's ditty:

Oh may you live in a humble house,
a rumble, jumble, tumble house
with rats for friends and a purple mouse,
a laughing toad and a curious louse
da-da da-da da-da da-da...

you get the maybe if I were taking a writing for children workshop...but I turned it in, not just to the teacher, but to every student for critiquing! Oh well, as least I have the option of emailing to them a do-over...

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