Thursday, January 31, 2008

People keep asking

about my hair. Friends and family want to know if it's growing back (yes), how long it is (not very), if it's a different color(no), or if it's curly (no). Chantel took the pictures below. I have had five different strangers ask me where I got my hair cut or tell me that they love it. I'm so surprised every a museum, on a bus, at church...I plan to keep it short, at least until I start missing french braids. This is the easiest thing I've ever had to deal with.Smiling at Soren who was standing with me against the wall. The earrings were Mother's.

The walls in Chantel's living room are three different colors of blue. Very festive.


newbieooo said...

LOL- I love the Eastery color of blue you are standing in front of- and then I remember that this will be the first year we will have to do our own Easter celebration :-( Miss you guys terribly- and would you please call or email me with all of telly's and your new numbers?!? I don't have any of them and I would like to call! :-) Love you- and your hair does look great :-)

thedunnfamily said...

Oh, you look beautiful!!! I'm so glad that you are doing well. I remember when it was just coming in. I started crying when I seen your picture I miss you so much. You look so happy Im glad that you moved back east. Call me some time so we can catch up. Love you

Bailey said...

These are beautiful pictures of you! I hear you'll be out here in 6 weeks? Can't wait to see you, I hope you got the sound clip I sent to your cell phone.