Sunday, January 27, 2008

We Thank Thee, Oh God, for a Prophet

I sit tonight at my computer; the house quiet, the family asleep. Checking my email before turning in, I read an announcement, that President Hinckley has died. I am surprised, but softly. After all, he was 97, yet I feel tears beneath the surface. I walk quietly upstairs so as not to wake the boys. "Chantel?" I whisper, just in case she's asleep, but she isn't nor is Austin. I need to share this news with them. I can't take it to bed alone. They are surprised too, and thank me for telling them. The whole interlude lasts but a minute and I sit here at the keyboard again, trying to analyze why I want to laugh and cry at the same time.

"Everything will work out." That's what President Hinckley always said, and that's what he believed. Because he believed it, I believe it too. Whenever he spoke, I felt his great love for us, and for the Savior. I loved our prophet's great sense of humor, his courage to lead us during these ever perilous time, his ability to raise public sentiment of the church to greater heights. I love that he said what he thought, that he was clear about standards and right is right and wrong is wrong. I admired his talent for speaking out with both clarity and humility. I believe that President Hinckley did more for the masses save Joseph Smith only, by accelerating temple building around the world, providing those blessings to hundreds of thousands of God's children both here and beyond the grave. That's the way I'll think of him.

The church will go on and the role of leadership will transfer seamlessly. In spite of evil's best efforts, the gospel will continue to spread until the hallowed day of Jesus Christ for which we all work. God bless President Hinckley. God bless America and all the nations of the world. President Hinckley taught us by word and example how to live and how to be happy! I am grateful to have lived under his loving and watchful care these many years. I will miss him very much.

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