Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas Eve Day

There is something sublime about the simplicity of love and family. I am enjoying, actually basking, in the love of the Calder household--their love for each other, for family, for God. I'm reminded that these simple pleasures of tenderness and relationships are more important than any other endeavor we undertake during this life. Austin is such a devoted father. He has a wonderful job, but the minute he gets home from work, it's all about his family. He spends time playing with Owen every day, leads the family in prayer every night, and completely supports Chantel by helping with Soren whenever he can. In addition he is thoughtful and helpful to me. Chantel and Austin are a team, amazing parents, and a blessing in my life. I love you family!

Owen is a constant wonder and delight. He comes in my room every morning and wakes me up either singing (a french song from The Little Mermaid), pretending (sea urchins and fire-breathing but friendly dragons) or simply snuggling under the covers with me for all of 5 seconds before he says "Get up now, Grammy! Let's play!"

This past week we spent making treats, doing a little shopping, reading, making ornaments, wrapping gifts, attending the ward Christmas party, singing Christmas carols and hymns, having family night and once, eating out at Chevy's thanks to Brandon's generosity. (I highly recommend the chicken flautas). Yesterday, on Christmas Eve, I went to primary with Owen. It is always refreshing and uplifting to see the world through Owen's eyes. In class, the teacher asked who Adam and Eve were and one little boy said, "They were the first people born," to which Owen responded: "They weren't born, they were the first people on earth." Owen has an old spirit in that little body. I'm soaking up every bit of love I can from being with him and Soren.

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