Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Across the Continent...

Greetings from Baltimore! Sorry to my sisters from English 167...I have some great photos of you but was unable to upload them successfully, so I'll post photos when I get home after the new year.

In the meantime, I'm basking in the pure love of my family...especially Owen's love for his Grammy...I arrived yesterday on a direct flight, which was uneventful, thank goodness. Owen, Soren and Chantel were waiting for me at the airport with antlers on...so cute! I'm staying in the upstairs guest room here. This morning I was lying in bed thinking (I LOVE mornings!!) and I heard, "psssss....psssssss...pssssssssssss...Grammy.....Grammy..." Owen was lying on the floor whispering under my door! After breakfast I received an impromtu science lesson from Owen:

"Grammy, crayfishes look like lobsters but they're not really. Crayfish live only in fresh water and lobsters live in salt water. People call crayfish lobsters but you can call them fresh water lobsters if you don't want to call them crayfish."

"Lobsters don't have any shells on their eyes."

"All fish lay eggs except for whales and dolphins because they're mammals and they have to pop up because there's a little hole in their head but it doesn't hurt because it's like a little gill high up to get air inside their bodies."

"A submarine is like a car and it drives around the ocean and it has windows and people in it and they look out at all the fish and they can breathe, but if they come out they can't breathe and they would drown."

"Fire is a gas (Owen changed subjects after we turned on the gas fireplace), but it can't put out with water. A fire exinguisher puts out any kind of fire. Water will only put out a wood fire. An oil fire will smear down and then come back up (if you try to put it out with water).

Owen started pretending that he was a giant lobster doing battle with a fire breathing dragon under the ocean. I asked him how the dragon breathes fire if it's in the ocean. He said, "Underwater dragons breathe oil fires and gas fires!" Love that kid!!

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