Friday, March 07, 2008

There's a down side

to having a blog, I just recently discovered. That is, that everyone who checks in knows whats going on in my life so I assume you feel up-to-date. Drawback is, that most of you don't comment or respond which makes it a little lonely out here. Last I heard, relationships are still two-way, so think of my blog as a look into my personal scrapbook, not a substitute for calling or emailing. I miss you!!


newbieooo said...

It is easy to read family blogs and then comment to whoever happens to be with you (thus missing the point of commenting to the person posting!) and then go on with the day feeling like all is settled. I do check each family members blog at LEAST once a day lol- so rest assured you are missed incredibly- It just gets too easy to forget to comment (btw 27 days till due date!)

Grammy said...

Actually Sweetie, you do just fine posting. I don't expect people to post every time, or at all, if they don't want to, just not to use the blog as a receiving end without hollering back! I'll be counting down with you! Exciting! xo

Anonymous said...

Your point struck home. I do think about you, pray for you and "use" that as a connection. But it's not the same as responding, so sorry. I love your blog - it's delightful!
Some updates: remember Carole Groce Kafel? she just retired from teaching as she has Parkinson's and now has been diagnosed with breast cancer. Hopefully they caught it soon enough. . . Lita Moses is not doing well - cancer acting up. Brandon and Marie Fitt are expecting their 5th (one died) child this September. Did I tell you that Dan and Sunny are expecting a baby girl in August? Finally I (and Elvoid!) get to be grandparents.
more later - love, Janet