Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Bald is Beautiful!


dark hairs criss-cross my pillow like abstract art
handfuls of it come out in the shower
the dreaded time fills the bathroom covers the walls and mirrors with steam like a menacing spirit
You will look old and sick without any hair

the three-time cancer survivor at the wig shop places her cool hands on the top of my sore head
like her voice, they are soothing and strong
she looks at me in the mirror at my tear-filled eyes my face that says
I do not want to be here
“Do not cry. You are going to be just fine.”
the buzz of the clippers begins right in the front
I pass my camera to my sister
the little teeth saw away at the illusion of beauty and suddenly I realize
the darkness lied
there is no loss no reason to cry
my eyes gleam from the mirror larger and browner than before
I feel a freedom, a rebelliousness, a sense of spontaneity
my sister cries and laughs with me
takes photos for my blog
then we hug the woman goodbye and walk out into the sun

I have choices that others do not
the wig is adorable
hats and turbans and scarves and endless fabrics await
but my bald head loved its debut
I can’t wait to show my family
I am more beautiful than ever

I wasn't exactly jumping for joy here
This is getting fun

1 comment:

newbieooo said...


I am so proud to call you my aunt- you are beautiful and strong and in every way I can think of you are: just RIGHT.

I love you with all of my heart and wish I could be closer to you and the rest of our family :-)