Wednesday, April 04, 2007

I learned the signs for chicken and pork...

Last night Larry took me and Brandon and Traci to dinner at (where else?) The Mecca! We had a great time. Traci is so sharp. Brandon and I are both picking up sign language. He's taking a signing class at LMC also. Brandon spends more time with Traci than I do and he seems to understand everything she says, even though he can't sign as fast as she can yet, of course. It's really amazing to watch them together. Being with Traci has improved Brandon's speech also. He's been forced to enunciate and speak more slowly (Traci does some lip reading) and that has improved our communication tremendously. There was a time when I said "What?" to EVERYTHING Brandon said. Now, I almost never have to ask him to repeat himself. Larry learned some signing last night too, and the four of us did a lot of laughing together.

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