Monday, January 29, 2007

One ringy dingy...

Early this morning I received a call from Meg B, an editor at Guideposts magazine, who wanted to talk to me about a story of mine, "A Friend In Deed." It's about an experience I had with an eccentric woman who was also spiritually sensitive, and how her knowing exactly what I needed prompted her to knock on my door, right after I had been trying to figure out what to pray for. This was an example of how sometimes even thinking about praying is enough of an act of faith to have it answered, but the real story is about not judging others unfairly--something that's so easy to do. Anyway, the magazine publishes only 1st person, true stories, and Meg was calling for more background information on the story. They plan to publish it in May of this year. It was a great phone conversation because she is the same editor I worked with 4 years ago when "Snowbound" was published (Jan 2003). She asked what I've been doing since then, so I told her about going back to school and my writing career, how that first story changed the way I think of myself. Talking to Meg felt like talking to an old friend! She asked about the kids too, then said, "My favorite part of 'Snowbound' was when your daughter said, "My daddy's home!" That moment truly was the climax of 'Snowbound', and talking about it brought back all kinds of good memories. And actually, both stories happened during the same time period. My little girl has grown up now, and she has even more of that fierce love for others than when she was little. To think that she has precious ones of her own now! Life is sweet, isn't it?

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