Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Forward Motion

A giant THANKYOU to Dr. Sawchuk who arranged for Brandon to have some neuro-psyche testing done. It's only been 8 1/2 years since the accident! Brandon's first battery of tests were Monday and he goes back for more next week. After the first appointment, he thanked me for being "a great Mom" said he didn't know what he'd do without me, and "I love you." I think he's relieved that we're finally going to get some answers, even though most of the time he pretends that everything is fine. I remember the days when he didn't even use the words "head injury," much less admit that he'd had one. Progress is slow but the direction is UP. One of these days I might even get that website going...but ask me about that later...the ideas are still marinating...

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