Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Forward Motion

A giant THANKYOU to Dr. Sawchuk who arranged for Brandon to have some neuro-psyche testing done. It's only been 8 1/2 years since the accident! Brandon's first battery of tests were Monday and he goes back for more next week. After the first appointment, he thanked me for being "a great Mom" said he didn't know what he'd do without me, and "I love you." I think he's relieved that we're finally going to get some answers, even though most of the time he pretends that everything is fine. I remember the days when he didn't even use the words "head injury," much less admit that he'd had one. Progress is slow but the direction is UP. One of these days I might even get that website going...but ask me about that later...the ideas are still marinating...

Monday, January 29, 2007

One ringy dingy...

Early this morning I received a call from Meg B, an editor at Guideposts magazine, who wanted to talk to me about a story of mine, "A Friend In Deed." It's about an experience I had with an eccentric woman who was also spiritually sensitive, and how her knowing exactly what I needed prompted her to knock on my door, right after I had been trying to figure out what to pray for. This was an example of how sometimes even thinking about praying is enough of an act of faith to have it answered, but the real story is about not judging others unfairly--something that's so easy to do. Anyway, the magazine publishes only 1st person, true stories, and Meg was calling for more background information on the story. They plan to publish it in May of this year. It was a great phone conversation because she is the same editor I worked with 4 years ago when "Snowbound" was published (Jan 2003). She asked what I've been doing since then, so I told her about going back to school and my writing career, how that first story changed the way I think of myself. Talking to Meg felt like talking to an old friend! She asked about the kids too, then said, "My favorite part of 'Snowbound' was when your daughter said, "My daddy's home!" That moment truly was the climax of 'Snowbound', and talking about it brought back all kinds of good memories. And actually, both stories happened during the same time period. My little girl has grown up now, and she has even more of that fierce love for others than when she was little. To think that she has precious ones of her own now! Life is sweet, isn't it?

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Anonymously Successful

Well...I went to my Anthropology class last week: Magic, Witchcraft and Religion. Very interesting so far, but a girl on the row in front of me had her laptop on. Now that in itself isn't so unusual, since we're a wireless campus and students are allowed laptops for note-taking. What bothered me was her constant surfing the internet, checking and responding to email, even playing with her screen saver! I thought about leaning over and asking her to turn it off since she wasn't using it for note-taking, but I decided against that, for personal reasons. Thought she might label me the "bitchy Mom." I know I shouldn't care, but I guess I'm not the only one in my family who shys away from conflict. Anyway...I was still bothered by it the next day so I sent an email to my professor. Now for the fun part...He protected my identity, then forwarded my email to the class. Wow! Should have heard the comments both pros and cons for laptops in the classroom! I suggested they leave their computers at home, not so that the honest note-takers really would, but so the others would think twice before playing in class. I was just SOOO offended that students would spend class time like they did, oblivious to the rest of us. We're on the honor system here, but obviously, not everyone acts honorably. I mean, would you bust out your computer during a concert? or a music recital? or at a movie theater? Why, then, would someone think it's ok to do that to a professor? Granted, he didn't know about it, but others did. I thought it was highly disrespectful of others and of the professor's education.

Today, fewer people brought their laptops to class, and the ones who did sat on the back row at the teacher's direction. Then, my friend Kirsten (Clayton's friend who became a family friend and who's a student here now) spoke up and reminded everyone to make sure they were using their laptops for notes and not net surfing. Yeah! I felt satisfied, and no one except Kirsten knew who'd stirred the pot in the first place!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


I'm in the Mills computer lab, watching the clock (since I have a class at 4,) and I'm writing (as usual) but I took a break to create this post. While she was checking her email, the woman next to me gasped out loud, then turned her computer monitor so I could see what she was looking at. See for yourself. They're adorable! Then click here, especially if you have young children and want a link to a site that's both fun and educational.

Monday, January 22, 2007

Sun not Snow

Not only do we not have snow, (except once last week on top of Mt. Diablo) we don't even have the usual fog and cold rains. Gorgeous today and supposed to be gorgeous tomorrow too. But who's complaining? This morning I opened the window, heard birds singing, inhaled the chilly morning air--aahhhh! Felt just like a summer morning in the mountains of Idaho-everything crisp and fresh. Man, I miss camping!! Anyway, enjoy these photos, inspired by Owen in red!

Chantel, Dec 24, 1981, in front of the house where she was born.
The neighbor Wendy, a regular at our house. She supplied the sled. Brandon and Chantel provided the fun.
What a good dad!
Warm and happy. What little munchkins!!

Friday, January 19, 2007

Happy Birthday My Girl!

The first thing I thought of this morning when I woke up around 5 am was that 28 years ago my Telly was born at 5:09 am, in the living room of our little house at 2639 Burton Avenue...I was on the floor on some kind of sheet over our pink and white checkered shower curtain which protected the gold carpet...what a memory...a day of joy...and what a surprise to have a baby girl! Of course, the chances were 50/50 that I would have had a girl, but after 5 little boys in a row were born into the family in the previous 3 years (Garon, Ardell, Brandon, Jared, and Colten), and Chantel used to kick SO HARD, I was just certain I was having a boy. Then..having a girl was surreal and fabulous! You were a wonder and a delight then, and you still are. Happy Birthday, Daughter.

Chantel, twenty years ago I was 28, the same age you are now. This picture is from your 8th birthday in 1987.

A birthday doll!

Stencil set from big brother.

Daddy and his "Gwell."

The birthday clan and the birthday doll!

Sweet dreams, birthday girl...xo,xo

Monday, January 15, 2007

Bruch Update and Recipe

Yesterday after church, I drove over to Burlingame and spent the day with Marty and his family. I enjoyed being with them so much! Andrew is so tiny. He is in the 3rd grade and weighs 38 lbs right now. The feeding tubes have been invasive and not very effective, so this week the doctor's are going to put a tube right into his stomach. They want Andrew to gain 10 pounds. Samantha is an amazing young woman. She graduates from high school this Spring. Today she is going to take Andrew bowling. He has been sick and not able to leave the house for quite some time. The way Sam spends time with Andrew reminds me of how close Tel and Clayton were, although the age difference between Sam and Andrew is greater. Please keep the little guy and his family in your prayers.

Last night I brought food and cooked dinner for us. Sheila set the table and Marty (in his gracious, Southern-training fashion) put on some wonderful music and lit candles. Here's the recipe for what I cooked, which Marty insists belongs in a restaurant!

Pecan Crusted Chicken Breasts

Make a small batch of cornbread. Marie Callendar's is my favorite but Jiffy is good too. Do NOT use a homemade recipe that calls for baking powder--too bitter and not worth the effort.

Melt 2 sticks of butter (what else?) in a bowl or pan large enough for dipping chicken breasts. Set aside.

Grind fresh pecans in a food processor until you have 3 cups.
Add 3 cups of crumbled cornbread (about 1/2 of an 8x8 pan, or several muffins)

Add 1-2 teaspoons of seasoning salt.

Cut skinless, boneless chicken breasts into 2 or 3 pieces each. Dip in butter, roll in pecan/cornbread mixture. Place on ungreased cookie sheet. This will make a full pan. Drizzle any remaining butter over chicken. Press any remaining pecans on breasts. Bake at 350 for 40 minutes.

Prepare a salad of baby spinach and romaine lettuce, English cucumber, fuji or another sweet type of apple(not grannysmith), dried cranberries, figs, or golden raisins, and feta, gorgonzola or another like cheese.

To serve, mound salad on plate, place warm chicken breast on top and drizzle with raspberry or balsamic vinagrette dressing. Delicious! (I'm sure this would be great for ranch dressing lovers as well).

Friday, January 12, 2007

Voice Mail

Some messages are worth preserving, but since I don't have the know-how to transfer a phone message to this blog, at least I can record it by transcription:

Two days ago:

Soren fussing and the sound of bathtub water.
Chantel's voice in the background talking to Owen: "Say 'Hello, Grammy'"

"Hi Grammy, I love you SO MUCH...hum...thank you for visiting. Soren loves you too--that's why he's crying...hum...right now...hum...Love, hum, Owen and Mommy and Soren and Daddy."

Owen, I love YOU SO MUCH too! Remember, you're my original muffin!
Grammy xo

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Random Thoughts

1. Care givers usually die before the ones they care for do.

2. Addiction affects almost every family and most of us are either addicted to something (drugs, sex, porn, food, alcohol, even drama (frequent drama provides adrenalin rushes) or we're in the co-dependent mode of trying to be the fixer of other people's problems.

3. Music is healing.

4. Prayer and meditation are scientifically proven stress reducers.

5. I wish I owned a deserted island.

6. Family is the best thing God ever invented, even with all the crap...

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Last Morning Love

Today I return home to the Bay Area and I admit, it is with great ambivalence. I have loved being in a new place, seeing new country, checking out some universities (yesterday I went to Baltimore), but mostly I have loved being with, and a part of, this wonderful family.

Chantel, You are everything a mother could hope for. Your love for your family and the consistent, firm, and loving way you and Austin parent is a joy and a wonder to see. You are an example to all of us and I love and appreciate your strength, testimony and faith. Thank you for the extra care you gave me, my own space, the special mattress, waiting to decorate the tree until I got here. Thankyou for including me in family nights and family prayer, for the beautiful stocking, and for all the extra traveling we did together to see this wonderful part of the country. I will miss you and yours, but I know that our family love is forever. My favorite memory will be hearing and seeing your morning ritual of love with your little ones--what a treasure. With Love, xo, Mom

Reading time before breakfast.

Morning love with Owen

Soren grabs Owen for a kiss--notice his hand on Owen's ear!

Monday, January 01, 2007

Happy New Year!

And Owen's 5th birthday too! What a wonderful family day...

Chantel told me what President Hinckley said last night during a live broadcast and I've decided to adopt this as my New Year's Mantra:

"You can be wise and happy--or stupid and miserable." Hmmm, let me think...

A Few More Photos...

This photo doesn't do justice to the artwork on the wall in this park. I stopped here on my way out of town for a few last photos.

Fabulous view in all directions.
Picnic anyone?
A zoomed shot.
Knobby hill--the main attraction. The view from the top is supposed to be outstanding.