Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Countdown to the Holidays

The last time I did a count-down, it was not a fun one: Chantel was moving to the East Coast. Now, however, I'm doing 2 countdowns: one til the end of this semester (14 days) and one til I hop a plane for Baltimore (21 days). I have two big papers left to write, one for my 18th Century Novel class on the book Fanny Hill which is a graphically sexually explicit and problematic text and one on post-colonial issues in African communities. I have my choice of topics to write about for both classes, but I found Fanny Hill to be so problematic, stereotyping both male and female sexuality, that I decided to sound off.

As soon as school is over, I can concentrate on the holidays. I love the lights and the music of this season. I've never been to the East Coast and I can't wait to be with my muffins, Owen and Soren.

My mom is still here. I got up this morning at 4:45 so she could be to the airport on time, but she is ill and having trouble breathing. I feel bad that she is sick, but honestly, I'm glad she is still here. I don't get enough time with my mother and the older we both get, the more I appreciate her role in my life.


Bluebell said...

We are counting down, too, Can't wait to see you! Austin and Owen made a paper chain, numbered with the dates, so it's counting how many days until Grammy and then how many days until Christmas.

newbieooo said...

How exciting for you to have 2 BIG things to count down for!!! I wonder how meemaw manages to send cookies to us each season.....as she's staying her for a while- I think I will find out all of her cookie secrets and send you guys some for Christmas!
p.s. You are too photogenic to waste on not posting a picture or two of yourself!!!

Grammy said...

Thanks Estee, that's a sweet thing to say. I just got a camera so I'll be putting new photos on as soon as I learn how! You should definitely talk to Meemaw about cookies. She would probably love to bake some with you. xo