Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Mills Connection

This could have been posted sooner but, alas!! Graduation preparation...This is an email I received from my good friend Gloria, my "Glo-friend." I love the sense of history in this as well as Gloria's beautiful writing style. She gave me permission to post it here. Thanks, Glo.

Dearest Martha,

I graduated in 1944 from Mt, Diablo High School in Concord. It was the middle of World War II. The Principal was Bertha Romaine and the Vice Principal was Irma Bromley. These two women set me on a path of seeking the very best from life. They both loved the humanities -- especially great literature. Miss Bromley was the one who introduced me to Masefield's, "The Dauber", Brownings, "My Last Duchess", and a ton of Shakespeare.

Because I was Vice President of the Girl's League, I was privileged to go with other officers to Mills for a day of classes. One of the classes I chose was to listen to some of the writers of a radio show called, "One Man's Family"! They were women. This show was chosen by my extended family on my mother's side, to be "the" show we would all listen to on Sunday evening, at my Grandma Erickson's house.

Today, it is a genuine thrill, that I even know someone who will graduate from Mills, let alone someone I dearly love.

Martha, I cheer for you, I am in awe of you, and I will always want to follow your career and life. You have brought meaning to words, you use the perfect words to express your thoughts, you have lifted my love for literature immeasurably. I can hardly wait to join you and your family at the "Clubhouse"!

I know that this tribute to you will only be one of so many more! I don't even care that the following is trite. It fits! "You Go Girl!" Love forever, Glo

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