Thursday, May 03, 2007

Put a Fork in it. We're Done.

The title of our senior thesis reading event at Mills on April 30. Everything I've written so far about that night sounds cheesy or dull, and then...and then...and then... The experience was too big for words. So this is my last attempt. I can't do justice to it, I know, but to say nothing doesn't feel right either.

The words flowed: I knew how to modulate, when to pause, what tone of voice to use.
The room was mine: When I looked out, which I did, often, every eye was on me, with interest.
My family looked expectant; they also looked proud of me. Even before I read.
The applause was great, and the cheering. Zen.
Even my professor was crying.
At the end of the night, strangers were shaking my hand.
Someone said, "Book tour..."

Thank you, dear family, for coming to support me, and for classmates who encouraged me to keep going, especially Sarah Tannehill who is an amazing writer and now, a dear friend. To Gloria who believed in me and believes in me, still. To Brandon who listened to me read aloud and didn't mind his story being told. And to my Telly who has been a constant source of love and support, and who didn't seem to mind doing a long-distance critique at the last minute. Hugs, everyone.

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