Sunday, May 20, 2007

Catching Up is Hard to Do

Graduation weekend--fantastic. Rates right up there with Chantel's wedding and Owen's and Soren's births. The day was gorgeous. The energy I felt, (once I stopped crying and before we marched) was amazing. Such an honor to walk with my good friend Sarah. And what a sweet surprise to see Larry and Clayton making their way past the line in search of me--hugs and and a last minute, "We're proud of you," before the campanile began to ring for a solid minute, announcing the approaching graduates. Chantel and Brandon had found the best seats; I got to walk right past my family and even give Soren a kiss on the way. There isn't one part of the ceremony that stands out as the best part--it was all wonderful. But I will always remember waiting for my turn to cross the podium for my diploma, looking out across the audience and seeing my family--Larry, Brandon, Chantel and Soren, Clayton, my brother Marty, Mike and Rachel, and my friend Marilyn, all smiling and cheering me on with such joy in their beaming faces. I felt so much love from them. I'm a Mills woman! A graduate of the class of 2007. Wow. A long time for this dream to come true, but worth every bit and more. Truly, I am a blessed woman.