Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Birthday Night

Look at this face! Do you think she knows something that I didn't? She did! I was told what time to be ready, and that's about it. Rachel picked me up at Clayton's house around 5 0'clock. Oh, no! A woman off the street! Naomi was walking down Howe Road in Martinez and said she just happened to be bringing me a birthday gift. She climbed in the truck with us and off we went.
Rachel insisted I wear the birthday hat and wrap, complete with fashionable (!@@!) sunglasses.
We went first to Va de Vi in Walnut Creek where every item is served elegantly in a small portion. Everyone at the table shares. Dinner was the most exquisite combination of flavors I've ever experienced, and our waiter was superb. Below are pictures of just two of the nine items we enjoyed.
After dinner we walked several blocks to the Performing Arts Center in Walnut Creek to see the opening night of "42nd St"--relevant because about ten years ago, Rachel and Naomi and I got to see "42nd St." on 42nd St in New York City! What memories! The significance of the night was not lost on me. A wonderful birthday celebration. Thank you, Rachel and Naomi!

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