Saturday, August 09, 2008

Soren and Mr. Squirrel

There are squirrels in my neighborhood. And not just one. But one in particular comes around every day scrounging for handouts. The other day I happened to be home when he came by. As I walked toward the sliding door, he ran--toward me. As I opened the door, he ran up to it! I thought he was going to run inside and make himself at home. As it was, I had some graham cracker pieces for him which he nibbled up right away. He also eats soda crackers and apples. I named him "Mr. Squirrel."After eating he climbed up the bricks and peered at me from my neighbor's upstairs balcony.
Sitting on the air conditioning unit which is right outside the patio.
The next day I took care of Soren for a couple of hours while Chantel and Owen went to the gym. Soren couldn't go because he still had a cold. It was the first time I've watched him without Owen. I think he enjoyed the attention. We read books and spent some time outside. I told him about "Mr. Squirrel" and we walked around the complex looking for him. Soren called out, "Mr. Squirrel, Mr. Squirrel, wheh au you?" But we didn't find him. Maybe next time.

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