Friday, August 29, 2008


Being with my niece Serena when she received her endowments in the Washington DC temple was pure joy. Added to that was being in the temple with Chantel. Below, me, Serena, her mother Katheryne and her step-sister Christina.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Well, I finally finished the two handmade books. They were a lot of fun, and good teachers for what to do and what not to do when making future books. The psychedelic one I'm going to keep for myself. The larger one I gave as a gift at a birthday party. The recipient loved it.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Soren Included

Soren wanted to play on the glider swing with me and Owen. I tried taking his picture frequently but he was wary and I didn't get very many shots.

Swingin' with Imagination

Last week Chantel and I took the boys and drove to Oak Ridge, Tennessee to visit my nieces and nephews. The first day Owen and I sat outside on the glider swing and played his favorite game--imagination. Right now we're on a story about a boy named Owen who has a pet rat, Scabbers, (he does in real life) but this rat can talk. Sometimes Owen objects to his picture being taken, but this time he didn't, probably because I held the camera at arm's length and kept snapping away, while playing imagination the whole time. That's why most of the pictures aren't centered, but they capture the expressions on his sweet face.

Owen demonstrating how his rat eats corn on the cob.

Demonstrating how Scabbers 'smells' danger.

My favorite picture.

Eva Grace

Chantel with her cousin Emily's new baby, four weeks old, Oak Ridge, Tennessee

Saturday, August 09, 2008

Pretty Pretty Paper

Today I drove into Baltimore and went to the St. Charles building, an old row house type building owned by the University of Baltimore. It houses the Creative Writing department and was originally a brothel--back in the day. The ceilings are high, the window wells deep, and the stairs between floors steep and narrow. I love it. Luckily there's an elevator now.

I took part 1 of a 2 part book binding workshop. It was so much fun!!! I re-learned how to make several types of handmade books (Originally learned in the book arts class I took at Mills College.) The creative process--handling paper and scissors, starting with a form in mind but not an end result--was so energizing. I wrote a poem while I was cutting and folding. After the 4-hour class I went straight to an art shop for paper for the hardbound books we'll be making next week.

There's nothing like hand-made paper. It's gorgeous and relatively inexpensive. The textures can feel almost like fabric. And since my book arts prof took our class to a paper making company in Berkeley once, I have a great appreciation for the process of handmade paper. I took some pictures of what I bought today, but they don't do the paper justice. Next time you're in an art store, just ask to see the handmade paper if you don't already know how fantastic it is. I'll post pictures of my finished projects next week.

Soren and Mr. Squirrel

There are squirrels in my neighborhood. And not just one. But one in particular comes around every day scrounging for handouts. The other day I happened to be home when he came by. As I walked toward the sliding door, he ran--toward me. As I opened the door, he ran up to it! I thought he was going to run inside and make himself at home. As it was, I had some graham cracker pieces for him which he nibbled up right away. He also eats soda crackers and apples. I named him "Mr. Squirrel."After eating he climbed up the bricks and peered at me from my neighbor's upstairs balcony.
Sitting on the air conditioning unit which is right outside the patio.
The next day I took care of Soren for a couple of hours while Chantel and Owen went to the gym. Soren couldn't go because he still had a cold. It was the first time I've watched him without Owen. I think he enjoyed the attention. We read books and spent some time outside. I told him about "Mr. Squirrel" and we walked around the complex looking for him. Soren called out, "Mr. Squirrel, Mr. Squirrel, wheh au you?" But we didn't find him. Maybe next time.

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Happy Birthday Rachel!

Wish I could be with you to celebrate! You have always been cheerful, upbeat and encouraging. I'm glad you're my sister and my friend. Happy Birthday! I love you.

You at Pop's house, Easter 1966. Mamaw made our dresses that year out of black velvet.About age 6.
In our driveway on Oak Grove Rd. About 1967