Friday, March 14, 2008

What will a quarter get you?

I'm sitting in a bathroom stall in Walmart and Owen is waiting for me outside the stall. Chantel and Soren are across the store.
"Grammy, what's this?"
Since I can't see what Owen's talking about, I tell him to wait and I'll let him know when I come out. Then I hear his little mind going to work..."Well, let's see, it takes quarters...I wonder what will happen if I put my quarter in here...maybe this gives disposable diapers! I can get one for Soren...let's see, right here..."
"Owen? Owen?" Too late. I hear the sound of a knob turning, and another woman's laughter. When I come out, Owen is laughing too. "Grammy, look what I got!" It isn't a disposable diaper! I telll him to put it in his pocket and give it to his mother. Right before we get back to Chantel, I see an older man coming toward us on the same aisle and before I can know what he's thinking, Owen whips out his 'prize,' holds it up and uses it like a musician's baton, accentuating every word, "Hey, can I tell you a funny story?" The man is in his sixties or early seventies and he looks from Owen to me and back to Owen while Owen tells his story and I can't shut him up nor can I get the 'prize' out of his little hand, so excited is he to share the humor. Finally, the man says, "Do you know what that is?" And Owen looks at him as if he doesn't know anything. "It's a tampon of course!" "Oh, I see," says the man and he grins and shakes his head while I try to herd Owen back to his mother.

1 comment:

newbieooo said...

Too funny! I remember one time- we were walking through a store and Morgan kept whistling this little very-familiar tune and after about the 18th time hearing it through, I started to try to remember what it was or where I had heard it. We passed an older gentleman and as Morgan continued to whistle-= he turned bright red and hurried down a different aisle- only then did I realize she had been humming the ever-catchy tune from the ENZYTE commercials (basically a Viagra commercial) Kids definitely have superb timing!