Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I have done so much genealogy

that I know some families really well. Above is a picture of my grandmother with three of her five sisters and below another picture of the whole family from about 20 years earlier.
Eva (Granny), Josephine, Katheryne, Clara.

All the Pearce's on 5th St in Memphis (house is no longer there) 1916. The couple on the front right are my grandparents with their first baby, my Uncle Lester.

I know who Granny and her sisters married and when, where they lived, whether or not they had children, which children died, when, why and from what, how far apart they and their spouses died, which ones divorced, which ones remarried, who had money, what they did for a living, and all kinds of other details that naturally appear when putting family puzzles together. One thing I know for certain: My granny and her sisters loved each other and were the best of friends, especially as they got older. Granny's parents, Ora and Edward, were gentle people who loved their children and had a deep faith in God. I have the same picture of my granny and her sisters on my laptop as I do here. I've seen it every day now for over two years. I showed Owen the picture the other day. "Look, Owen! There's your great-great Grand Aunt Clara, your great-great Grand Aunt Katheryne, your great-great Grand Aunt Josephine, and there's your great-great Grandmother!" He looked at the picture a minute and then said with an excited smile, "Did Granny come over on the Mayflower?" I could almost hear her laughing...

1 comment:

Care4U said...

My dear, sweet, lovable, cousin Martha,

I'm so happy to "find" you again on your blog. I had originally saved your blog to my "favorites" list, and every time I attempted to check into your blog, I would notice that it wasn't updated (since your journey East--with all the snow pictures). I was so concerned, that, as you now know, I e-mailed to check on you.

I've read all of your news here, and laughed and cried. You are such a "Bruch"--Granny, Pop, my Daddy (your uncle Lester), and your daddy (my uncle Franklin), among others, are so proud of you! You have the quick wit, the gift of "ditties", the warm laughter, and most of all, the sweet, pure heart! Did you know these were all special traits of the Bruchs (or my recollection of all the Bruch's I've known in my life). I'm so proud that we have reconnected as adult cousins!

Now, to your amazing, miracle story of Dr. K. There are no such things as "coincidences" as you and I believe, and only a loving God would have arranged for your care this way. I'm so touched that you have such good, professional, and caring nurses and doctors tending to you now. God blessed them with you, too!

Please know that all of your Florida family is keeping you in our prayers, and we are comforted in knowing that you are being comforted by Him. My love and hugs, always. Diannah
P.S. Give Chantel & her family hugs for me too, please!