Saturday, December 15, 2007

Road Trip, Days 5 and 6

All Quiet on the Western Front. I took Mom to two doctor appointments two days in a row. I like driving and it was nice to be out. Other than errands though, Mom has done a lot of cooking, (I really should write a cookbook of her recipes!) and I have been TV shopping for Christmas, and working on a "project" which I can't reveal yet because, again, blogs have ears and eyes.

Today I'm going to Vernal to hang out with my favorite younger brother John, (the one who calls me Polly Pureheart) and watch my nephew Jantzen play ice hockey. Then in the afternoon, we're all going to a matinee Christmas play directed by my oh-so-talented sister-in-law. Three of her five children have roles in the play and I believe this is an annual community event. I'm looking forward to it. Photos to follow.

Now for the latest news:

My mom is not going with me to Baltimore and just as well for various reasons. Her health won't allow it for one. I would have enjoyed the company, but I am just as happy rocking out to my music in the car, singing, or listening to conference talks. Tomorrow, Sunday, I'm leaving early in the morning. I have to back track a hundred miles in order to get to I-80 safely. I"ve been watching the weather channel and Chantel has been checking the internet. It looks like I'll be about a day behind the next storm. Hope to drive about 600 miles per day. At that rate, I'll be at Chantel's by Tuesday evening. My furniture is arriving there today, all 4,980 pounds of it. It's all their fault, those books that won't let me go...

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