Thursday, October 18, 2007


was fabulous. Not because we stayed in condos right on the beach, the water was refreshing, and the meals were delicious. It's because I was surrounded by people who love me. And I met family members who I felt instant love for, just because they are mine! It was awesome to stand arm in arm with all my siblings, but it was even more wonderful to stand with them and realize that everyone else was ours, too. The Bruch's have a strong penchant for dark eyes and I have to say, beautiful women as well. We missed those who couldn't be there but rejoiced in the ones who were. I think Madelyn and Jeff came the farthest distance--the San Juan Islands. Uncle Don came the farthest distance by car. And we took generational photos. Unfortunately, I don't have pictures to post. I started to take them, but I felt overwhelmed, and I realized that I would miss all the visiting if I spent all my time trying to take photos and not miss anyone. This doesn't mean that pictures weren't being taken. I think there were at least four cameras going all the time. Those photos will be posted to a site such as snapfish or photobasket and we can see them there. All in all, the reunion was a great success thanks to Diannah's hard work and to families willing to join us. Mark your calenders. The next one is in two years, and that's just around the corner.

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