Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Love Gifts and Wellness

I've been feeling for a long time that LOVE is going to make me well. I feel it every time I receive a card or letter, a "checking in" or "how are you?" phone call, or receive some kind of unexpected gift. I have enjoyed visits both planned and surprised, breakfasts out, a drive up Mt. Diablo, friends who never hestitate to say "yes" about taking me to and from chemo and sitting with me during the 5 hour interim. I appreciate all of you more than you know, especially my wonderful family both here and out-of-state.

Well, this week in addition to flowers, beautiful jewelry and fantastic books, I received several more lovely and unexpected gifts, reinforcing my feeling that LOVE will make me well. It has! Even though I have to finish the regimented treatment, my doctor told me that the most recent blood tests show no sign of cancer!! The three "fs" friends, family and faith. That's what did it I'm sure. Here are some photos from this week. I love you. All of you.

No, that is not me. She has hair. These are from my view of the cancer treatment center yesterday. I was inclined so the ceiling was part of the view.Everyone gets treatment together, lined up on both sides of the room and two chairs at the end. I was at the end on the left so it was a good photo op.I hope the lady in orange didn't mind the photo. I didn't notice her looking until I saw the picture.
Beautiful, powerful gifts. My darling Telly made the quilt for me to use during chemo. The blue lobelia flowers are from my friend, Marilyn, who also spent a lot of time planting two flats of petunias in my garden, and the painting is from my friend Kirsten (below).

1 comment:

newbieooo said...

What a great post! I love the quilt and the painting! Btw- I wanted to mention, you got me started on my love of gemstone jewelry almost as much as my dad did- remember the bracelets? You got 3 bracelets, one green, whne red and one white (I believe they were emerald, garnet and I'm not sure what the clear was/is) and you said "ok, we all get to choose one!" You, my mom, and I. Sortof a girls club :-)It wasn't a birthday, or a special event- as I remember it was Just Because:-) I have the green still, I know my mom has the red and you have the clear. I have pulled that bracelet out many times over the years for special occasions and just to admire it- you are such a sweetie. :-)