Thursday, March 29, 2007


Larry picked Brandon up at 5 am and drove him to Pleasanton Kaiser for his shoulder surgery. I got off work an hour early, thanks to another care-giver, and went on over around 10 am. Brandon was still being operated on. The receptionists kept checking his progress for me, then I got to go back to recovery. As soon as I walked through the door across the white tiles, the smell hit me. It was so familiar but I couldn't place it. Then I remembered, oh yeah, that place...almost nine years ago...

Brandon was sitting up in a chair flirting with a nurse. He was HUNGRY, which was a good sign. And he was SMILING which was another good sign. He is supposed to keep his shoulder immobile for three weeks. No showering til Tuesday. He's on Spring break this coming week so the timing is good. The best part is Dr. Wyatt was able to do the surgery orthoscopically instead of with a traditional incision. The healing time will be much quicker. Brandon had a priesthood blessing last night and that's what we prayed for.

Brandon's life is coming together in so many ways...I'm thankful for that. He's been through a lot, some of it his own doing, but he keeps learning from his mistakes and he keeps setting goals and moving forward. I love you, Son, and I'm very proud of you.


Bluebell said...

How come no one told me he was having surgery today???? Not that it's your fault. I must have spoken with him three times last week, he just didn't mention it. Sigh. This is what sucks about being so far away... (among other things). I'm glad he's doing well. When does he come home from the hospital?

Grammy said...

I'm surprised he didn't mention it...he's been looking forward to having that shoulder fixed for a long time. He's home now. They only kept him several hours and then sent him on his way. He ate lunch then went to bed. Traci is going to come stay tomorrow so I can get some work done on the computer.