Monday, February 26, 2007

That Sweet Little Voice

Ok, two more phone messages. Can't resist transcribing them. In the first one, Chantel's voice is in the background. Then last week, Owen left a message all by himself. He was a little confused about getting voice mail at first, but oh, I could live on his little voice and all that love!!

Jan 28:
Hi Grammy! I, I love you. I'm so 'cited about you visiting me in the summer, hum, um, we have a little froggy, uh, hum, uuuuh, fabric, right here (Chantel laughing 'say goodbye') And I have a shooter pen (ok, say goodbye) and bye, bye. I love you, Grammy, love, the Calders--Owen."

Feb 23
"Um, I love you. I'm happy about you coming again in the summer. 'Member when we went the George Washington? It was kinda fun but we was really tired, um, I love you Grammy, I love you Grammy, Mommy loves you too. I gotta new starfish from Michael's that Mama bought me from savings four dollars, four, I can do math too. I love you Grammy, Bye bye!"

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