Monday, February 26, 2007

To Gloria, because she gets it; she gets me.

Every woman should have a special Glo in her life. I do, and she's one of my great blessings. I have a special love for older people and I think it's because I've always had an older woman as a mentor and friend. When I was younger, it was Theresa McFarland. She was 70 and I was 18 when we met. We went visiting teaching together and oh, the things I learned from her about faith, and perserverance, and dealing with adversity. She died some years ago and I look forward to seeing her again someday.

Now I'm not as young as I once was, but I'm still blessed to have a wonderful friend, older, wise, funny, compassionate. We can talk about ANYTHING and EVERYTHING and we do. There isn't a subject I bring up that she doesn't understand or have an interest in. Sometimes we don't even need words! Just a look between us and we're both laughing! She is a comfort and a source of encouragement and hope. Sometimes I feel like she's my sister. Other times my mother. But always, my good friend. And I know that I add to her life as well. We had a role reversal not long ago where I spouted some wisdom (born of experience--the best kind) and she listened and acted. Her problem resolved shortly thereafter. Isn't it amazing sometimes, the way people's paths cross and the things we learn from one another? I bless the day we met and I appreciate her influence in my life. I love you my Glo-friend!

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