Thursday, July 16, 2009

Boy, am I good! I managed to talk my way out of the hospital long enough to make a pilgrimage to Memphis. Physically it was a challenge, but worth every second to be immersed in southern language, food and family. My siblings and I were there, together, for the first time since 1968 and no, that's not a type-o. My dad has two siblings living and we so enjoyed being with them and their families and hearing so many great family stories. Bottom line: I've called several places 'home' over the years, and they have been, but the pull to Memphis will never go away, nor do I want it to. I love my southern heritage--the graciousness, the barbeque, the fireflies, the giant thunder storms, but especially the rhythm of Memphis' language which stands apart from all other southern dialects. Put ten Southerners in a room together and I'll tell you, by the way they talk, which one is from Memphis.

So yes, as promised, I'm updating. I'm back in the hospital but I feel total peace and confidence that my doctors will figure out the latest and get me back on track. In the meantime, thank goodness for a mini lap-top and access to the internet, plus, I'm doing a lot of writing and some genealogy--making sure I've cited sources. Most of this is what I'd be doing if I were home anyway. My spirits are good. Just keep those prayers flying upward and picture me taking another trip South to do more research. For other genealogists, a couple of lines keep calling me. You know what I mean. When I get out of the hospital I'll post some pictures.

Sunday, July 05, 2009

To post or not to post

I've decided, for those loyal friends who depend on my blog to see what's up with me, that I should post more often, even if I don't have anything exciting to say. I hesitate to post especially when the topic is my health. I know, I know, it's important, but most of the time I just don't like to dwell on it. However, I realized recently that not posting allows for all sorts of imagination games, so truth is better than nothing.

Update: Another bout in the hospital. This time without a certain diagnosis about the source of so much nausea and its accompanying side effects. Home now for 24 hours. Keeping a very strict detail of what I eat, when, and what happens next. I'm hoping it's just a matter of time--in other words, reintroducing foods ever so slowly and learning to avoid the ones that give me trouble. After all, I didn't eat anything for almost six weeks. But the nausea was worse than any flu I've ever experienced and I'll do just about anything to avoid it. And who knows, maybe I'll rediscover my thighs. ( it a sin to have even a tiny bit of vanity at 50??)