Sunday, January 25, 2009


I have the weirdest sleep experiences. I'll sleep well for a night or two, but more often than not, I wake up repeatedly--anywhere from every 30 minutes to two hours, and I'll do that until around 4 or 5 AM when I finally give up and get out of bed. Sometimes things come to me then--answer to a prayer, a heightened spiritual awareness, words to a poem--and then I don't mind. But other nights don't make sense, like tonight (this morning):

I need to compile 30 years of on and off again genealogy research into a history of the Bruchs, which will entail another trip to Memphis--something I look forward to.
Is there such a thing as a cat that doesn't shed?
Should I get a cat of my own?
You're the cream cheese, I'm the crunch, we're the celery in our lunch...ok, now it really is time to give up on sleep...

1 comment:

Emerson said...

Hahaha! Oh my gosh, I laughed. Early mornings and thoughts on genealogy will send any of us screaming into Bedlam!

I am with you on the family history...wish I could go to Memphis to research (I have many Tunnell and Perkins lines there) but I make do with going to downtown Salt Lake (which I LOVE to do!!) and spending time at the local history library :]

I'm not complaining!!