Thursday, September 11, 2008

What's in a Name? A Whole Lot!!

I've always thought it would be fun to write a book about people's nick names. There are so many strange ones out there, and the sources of them are even more interesting, the same with real names. Some years ago I was working at Rachel's factory during the holiday season and the phones were ringing non-stop. I decided to help the sales department and answer calls for awhile. The caller was from Florida and she wanted to place an order. After taking down her items, the call went pretty much like this:

"May I have your name?"


"I'm sorry, can you spell that for me?"

"Yes, Trudy. T-R-U-D-Y."

"Oh! Trudy! I thought you said Poody!"

"POOOOODY! Lawrrrdd!" She was practically screaming into the telephone.

"It was bad enough with Trudy--you know, kids and all, 'Trudy, Trudy, fat and fruity' but if my parents had named me Poody why I'd have to kill em!"

"Well, I grew up in the South too, and I have this cousin named Cynthia but everyone has always called her Pody..."

Yes, in spite of my talking without thinking, the woman did finalize her order. Good thing she had a sense of humor.

Past and present nicknames in our families include but are not limited to (but don't ask me who's who; I'll never tell): Wimba, Dode, Boh, Guh, Bear, Sweet Pea, Bug, Wells, Blondie, Muffin, Moose Poose, Mother Brain, Lawrence of Arabia You Cool Dude You, Telbell, The Budster, Brandony Baloney, Toasty Toad, Sis, Chantilly Lace, Vee, Monkey, Pooty, Mama Jama Salama, Pops, Aunty M, Nicholasmouse, Ebird, Booger, Jiddy, Punk, Raisin, Rye Girl, Rye Boy, and Sweety Peety.

Let me know if there's a name you'd like added to the list!

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