Monday, September 10, 2007

More about Jacob

Ok, so I realized that I should have prefaced the previous post about Jacob by telling you that what I wrote, I wrote last year. Since then, after a period of about six months, Jacob called me again out of the blue. I was shocked to hear from him but he always makes me laugh, even when I'm mad at him. He is a very deep thinker and he had decided that "we can be friends without the sex." Well, finally. He's been in this country for almost five years now. I met him soon after his arrival when he was taking ESL classes at DVC (hence the reference to his English teacher) and I was happy to hear that he's coming around to my way of thinking--at least in that aspect. Since then, we've enjoyed a respectful but still passionately intellectual friendship. Jacob's father is a retired literature professor from the University of Tehran so Jacob grew up on Rumi (Lucky!) and our conversations never fail to include some reference to poetry. Once in awhile he'll call me out of the blue just to ask a grammar question. The most recent was, "Why do Americans say that they ride "on" an airplane but "in" a taxi? Recently he left for Paris and then home to Iran to visit his family. He was going to be gone for awhile. I don't know if he's back yet or if he was even allowed back in. I hope so. I'll keep you posted.

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